Convert an Inline SCAM to a Standalone Component.
Convert an Inline SCAM to a Standalone Component.
This generator allows you to convert an Inline SCAM to a Standalone Component. It's important that the SCAM you wish to convert has it's NgModule within the same file for the generator to be able to correctly convert the component to Standalone.
2nx g @nx/angular:scam-to-standalone --component=libs/mylib/src/lib/myscam/myscam.component.ts --project=mylib
1nx generate scam-to-standalone ...
By default, Nx will search for scam-to-standalone
in the default collection provisioned in workspace.json.
You can specify the collection explicitly as follows:
1nx g @nx/angular:scam-to-standalone ...
Show what will be generated without writing to disk:
1nx g scam-to-standalone ... --dry-run
The path to the SCAM component file, relative to the root of the project containing the SCAM.
The project containing the SCAM.
Skip formatting the workspace after the generator completes.
Join Victor Savkin and Max Kless discussing why LLMs struggle with fragmented codebases, how monorepos + Nx create AI-powered architectural decisions, the before-and-after experience of AI-powered coding in Nx.